Antibiotic Awareness
Antimicrobial resistance is an emerging clinical problem, recognised internationally as one of the largest threats to human and animal health. All major health and veterinary organisations, including Paton and Lee Ltd, are working to try and limit the development of resistance so that effective antimicrobials can be retained for use in clinical practice.
Following the launch of the British Equine Veterinary Association’s (BEVA) PROTECT ME campaign in 2012, Paton and Lee Ltd now adheres to a self-imposed policy governing the responsible use of antimicrobials. On this page we have attached a number of resources from BEVA and the British Veterinary Associated (BVA) for horse owners. We hope that they will help owners to understand the risks of antibiotic resistance, and explain why veterinary surgeons choose the antibiotics they choose, and why sometimes they will not give antibiotics to your horse at all.
General advice about antibiotics
Antibiotics - your role as an owner
Help keep antiboitics working poster
The BEVA policy on use of antibiotics (designed for veterinary surgeon)
BVA antibiotic guidance policy
BVA 7 point plan for antiboitic useage
Doxycycline advice leaflet for horse owners
Metronidazole advice leaflet for horse owners
Enrofloxaxin advice leaflet for horse owners
Erythromycin, macrolides and rifampicin leaflet for horse owners
Ocular antibiotics leaflet for horse owners
Paton and Lee are proud to adhere to the BEVA 'PROTECT ME' policy.
Practice Policy
Culture and sensitivity